Hi, my name is Hurley! About three and a half months ago i was just born. I lived in a really crappy sad family. I have four sisters and there all younger than me. I am a really huge dog. I'm only about three and a half months old and I already weight twenty nine and a half pounds! My birth dad stands about to my owner's [Colton] chest. He is a really big dog and the lady at the vet says that when I grow up I'll be just as be as him if not bigger. Now enough about me. Now I will tell you about my owner. He is an awesome guy. I love him to death. He likes to play fetch with me and he always teaches me to sit. There are times when I feel like back talking him. But when I do I get sent outside with my step sister Bella, she is a husky terrier/coyote.
She is a very hyper active dog that is really really smart. I remember when she got into a fight with the neighbors dog because he was messing with me. Man! If i was that other dog i would be terrified. She really loves me and always takes up for me whenever I need it. I am really glad that I am welcomed into this family because they always take the time to pay attention to me.
There is really not much about me cause mainly all I do is sleep, eat, potty, and gripe. But when I get older I'm going to go out the the dirtbike track with daddy everytime he goes. My owner has to be the best owner anyone could ever ask for. Well bye bye for now. I have to go to sleep or gripe at my owner. I'm not sure what I want to do. bye.
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